It is rare to find a business today that doesn’t rely heavily on electronic equipment of some kind. 这可能包括:

  • 服务器
  • 个人电脑
  • 电脑外围设备
  • 电视
  • 视频会议设备
  • 液晶显示器和等离子显示器
  • 电信设备
  • 测试设备
  • 实验室设备
  • 还有许多其他类型的设备

And with businesses having to be agile and mobile in order to stay competitive, 他们运送敏感的电子产品是很常见的. In addition to these items being subject to damage if not handled properly, 它们往往也很贵. 在许多方面,这是一场风险的“完美风暴”.

你如何应对这种风险? A good first step is learning about the options available to you for shipping electronics safely.


How to Ensure Your Electronic Equipment Arrives in As-Shipped Condition

贵公司有很大的, expensive electronic device in Baltimore that is needed in your Seattle office. They require it as soon as possible—of course—and in a meeting about the project that calls for the device, all eyes look to you when the conversation shifts to shipping the item. 压力是存在的!

幸运的是, you’ve read up on how to get sensitive electronics from Point A to Point B safely, 而且是及时的. So, you calmly provide information on eight key considerations for shipping this type of asset.

  1. You need to work with a company that has experience in specialty crating, packaging and shipping. Any shipper looking for work will tell you they can ship sensitive items safely. 然而, this type of project requires much more than simply putting a few more layers of wrap around the device or adding more packing peanuts to the box. If the company can’t tell you about several similar projects that they have completed successfully, 你和他们一起去是在冒险.
  2. 你的物品应该覆盖一层防静电保护膜. 在很多情况下, an electronic item isn’t damaged by things like being bounced around while in transit, but rather by a buildup of static electricity that subsequently damages its circuits or other components. 防静电包装 能防止这种情况发生吗.
  3. 船舶运输的物品需要装防蒸汽袋. 在这里再次, often it isn’t a collision or crushing force that damages electronics, but something more subtle and frequently unseen: corrosion caused by high humidity. Sensitive items that will be exposed to salty ocean air in particular should be placed in a 蒸汽屏蔽袋 与活性干燥剂一起使用. The bag should then be heat sealed and have all the air inside removed with a specialized vacuum tool. What are called humidity indicator cards can also be placed in the bag before it is sealed so that the person receiving the shipment can see whether the item was exposed to high levels of humidity. There are also humidity indicator plugs that project through the vapor barrier and can be monitored during transport.
  4. 敏感的电子产品应用木箱装运. 定制设计的木箱 为易碎物品提供最大限度的保护. 它们可以是一次性使用的,也可以是, 如果你定期运送一种特定类型的物品, 它们可以被设计成可重复使用的. For items that don’t need quite as much protection, strong, lightweight 瓦楞纸板容器 都是不错的选择.
  5. 如果合适,应将物品托盘化. Securing an item to a strong wood pallet helps keep it stable and stationary during transport. There are different ways to ensure a piece of electronic equipment stays on a pallet, 包括包装, 捆绑它和其他策略.
  6. 如有需要,应使用浮动甲板. A floating deck is a base that is designed to absorb the shock and energy a crate receives during shipping. Floating decks can allow for various types of movement during transport: front-to-back, 左右, 上下运动.
  7. 如果需要,应部署冲击和尖端传感器. These devices detect different types of forces affecting a shipping container or changes in its position so that you know whether it endured any concerning stresses during its travels. 您可以使用此信息来确定是否, 例如, you need to run diagnostics on the piece of equipment before bringing it online.
  8. 在适当情况下,应使用斜坡进行装卸. Sensitive electronics are subject to damage both before and after they complete their trek, as well. 将物品移进或移出容器, 或者运输集装箱的车辆, 不小心会导致损坏. Any transitions an item will make should be conducted carefully and smoothly, 如有需要,使用斜坡或其他辅助设备.

当你向与会者发表完讲话后, 他们都点头了, confident that the item in question will get to its destination in great shape.



One other important consideration for shipping sensitive electronics is that you should work with a specialty crating, 提供包装和运输的公司 充分的后勤支持. Anyone who has ever shipped business assets knows that it is not uncommon for shipments to get held up for one reason or another. 与知道如何预测问题的运输合作伙伴合作, avoid them if possible and address them quickly and efficiently if they can’t be avoided is essential.

That ability only comes with many years of experience and a trusted network of contacts throughout the transportation ecosystem. The saying, “It’s not what you know but who you know,” certainly applies to the shipping business. 例如, when your shipping company gets a “friendly heads-up” from a contact with the highway department about an upcoming road closure, 它可以帮助你避免延误,节省你的时间和金钱.

国际航运尤其如此. Getting business assets like electronics through customs can be challenging for shipping companies that are not familiar with the players, 流程和文书工作.

你怎么知道你的专长是什么, packaging and shipping company can take the steps listed above and also provide outstanding logistical support? 最好的办法就是去问他们. 像crater这样的公司 & 云顶集团赌场 that excels in these areas will be happy to describe their experience and expertise, as well as how they will deal with your electronic device specifically.